Instalación Zevenet community en cluster

¿Que es Zevenet?

Zevenet es una solución para el balanceo de carga  que proporciona una alta disponibilidad para servicios TCP, UDP, HTTP y HTTPS.



Debemos instalar dos nodos (master y backup), en el sistema de instalación solo mostrare la instalaciónde un nodo dado que es como si instalasemos un Debian normal y corriente,

para comenzar accedemos al repositorio y nos descargamos la ultima versión de Zevenet Comunity

Iniciamos mediante el CD-ROM y presinamos a instalar.


Seleccionamos idioma


Confiugramos el idioma del teclado.



Configuramos el direccionamiento IP



Otorgamos un nonbre al servidor.



Contraseña de root

Zona horaria.

Para que el manual no se alargue voy a configurar que utilice todo el disco a la hora de realizar el particonado.

Empieza a realizar la instalación del sistema.


Accedemos mediante SSH y configuramos el repositorio (ambos nodos)

echo «deb stretch main» >> /etc/apt/sources.list

wget -O – | apt-key add –

apt-get install zevenet


Instalamos el paquete del cluster (ambos nodos)

apt-get install zevenet-ce-cluster


A continuación configuramos el VRRP

Nodo Master:


cat /usr/local/zevenet/app/ucarp/etc/zevenet-cluster.conf


###UCARP config section


#Configuration section for zevenet-ce-cluster service UCARP SERVICE


#binary for ucarp


#deadratio value, for cloud 10 secs is recommended, for physical 2 secs commended.


#interface used for the cluster where is configured local_ip and remote_ip


#local IP to be monitored, i e


#remote IP to be monitored, i e


#used password for vrrp protocol communication


#unique value for vrrp cluster in the network


#used virtual IP in the cluster, this ip will run always in the master node


#script executed when node becomes MASTER


#script executed when node becomes BACKUP


#script executed when node needs to send an advertisement



##ZENINOTIFY config section


#Configuration section for zeninotify service


#replication config dir


#replication of rt_tables file


#where to save logs


#binary for rsync


#params for rsync

$zenrsync=»-auzv –delete»;

#IMPORTANT!!!!! remote IP,ssh without password required use key

#used variable $remote_ip


##exclude files to be replicated, management interface should be included, ie eth0

###ie, file1 and file2 need to be excluded: «–exclude file1 –exclude file2″


$exclude=»–exclude if_eth0_conf»;





###UCARP config section


#Configuration section for zevenet-ce-cluster service UCARP SERVICE


#binary for ucarp


#deadratio value, for cloud 10 secs is recommended, for physical 2 secs commended.


#interface used for the cluster where is configured local_ip and remote_ip


#local IP to be monitored, i e


#remote IP to be monitored, i e


#used password for vrrp protocol communication


#unique value for vrrp cluster in the network


#used virtual IP in the cluster, this ip will run always in the master node


#script executed when node becomes MASTER


#script executed when node becomes BACKUP


#script executed when node needs to send an advertisement



##ZENINOTIFY config section


#Configuration section for zeninotify service


#replication config dir


#replication of rt_tables file


#where to save logs


#binary for rsync


#params for rsync

$zenrsync=»-auzv –delete»;

#IMPORTANT!!!!! remote IP,ssh without password required use key

#used variable $remote_ip


##exclude files to be replicated, management interface should be included, ie eth0

###ie, file1 and file2 need to be excluded: «–exclude file1 –exclude file2″


$exclude=»–exclude if_eth0_conf»;


Accedemos mediante nuestro navegador al nodo master por el puerto 444

Nos vamos a Network > Virtual Interfaces > Create Virtual Iface y generamos un dirección virtual para la VIP del VRRP


Comprobamos que inicia correctamente la interfaz


Iniciamos en ambos nodos el servicio de cluster

/etc/init.d/zevenet-ce-cluster start

Si accedemos a los dos servidores ahora por SSH tenemos que observar que el promt nos aparece lo siguiente:


[master] root@lb1>

[backup] root@lb2>



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